Healthy Aging Initiative

Yu-Ai Kai (YAK) is committed to providing programs and activities that support healthy aging or what we call the Healthy Aging Initiative (HAI).

We all want ways to stay active and engaged, physically fit, to look and feel our best, and have fun – at every age, at every stage of life.

Many of us also face the daily challenges as caregivers for older parents, relatives and spouses, and may even be caring for grandchildren. Living longer than previous generations, seniors may also be concerned with its implications for their finances, health, the ability to live as independently as possible, and quality of life. 

YAK has identified six programming areas that make up our HAI – ways in which we can help you age well and thrive:

  1. Preparing for the Future

  2. Caring for Others

  3. Staying Physically Fit

  4. Self Managed Health and Injury Prevention

  5. Staying Sharp and Engaged

  6. Intercultural and Intergenerational sharing

We’re not doing it alone though. YAK’s Wellness Advisory Committee (WAC) meets quarterly to review and explore new ways to bring Yu-Ai Kai’s unique brand of HAI to meet your interests and needs. WAC is comprised of a talented group of volunteer professionals and staff who bring their collective experience in medicine, gerontology, nursing, physical fitness, social welfare and recreation administration to advise us on programs and services.

If you have questions suggestions regarding programs you would like to see offered at Yu-Ai Kai or the Akiyama Wellness Center, please contact YAK via email or call (408) 294-2505.

Say “hai / はい” (yes) to healthy aging!

Preparing for the Future

How do you plan for the next 40+ years? From finances to insurance coverage, legal matters to pre-funeral arrangements, YAK wants seniors to understand their rights and their choices as they plan for the future.

Our goal is to offer programs that raise awareness, show options and resources, so that seniors can make informed decisions about their future.

Caring for Others

Many of our seniors are challenged with caregiving in ways that generations before have never faced. Many are caring for their parents as well as caring for their children and grandchildren.

Our goal is to offer programs that help our seniors in their caregiver roles and direct them to relevant services and resources.

Staying Physically Fit

Seniors have a strong desire to stay active and fit at every stage of life. By providing fitness programs that emphasize the importance of exercise at every level of mobility and strength, we help seniors retain their physical independence. Through our nutrition program and classes, we learn how to make good choices when preparing meals and enjoy it!

Our goal is to provide fitness and nutrition classes that foster healthy lifestyles at every stage in life.

Self–Managed Health and Injury Prevention

Living longer means that the body will be asked to do more for a longer time, hence, it is essential that seniors take a proactive role in managing their health. To support this, YAK offers wellness screenings to help seniors monitor their health, health education classes to better understand illnesses, diseases and injury prevention.

Our goal is to help seniors monitor their own health, provide them information to make educated decisions about their health, and teach ways to prevent illness and injuries.

Staying Sharp & Engaged

Like any muscle in the body, the mind needs to be exercised to stay fit. YAK offers programs designed to keep folks engaged socially, and stimulate the mind and senses. YAK also offers seniors opportunities to help with volunteer projects, and meaningful ways to serve.

Our goal is to provide opportunities for seniors to stay socially engaged, mentally fit and feel productive as volunteers.

Intergenerational & Intercultural Sharing

Research shows that structured intergenerational / intercultural activities can have a positive impact on everyone involved. Sharing interests, skills and experience about culture and exploring generational similarities / differences boosts self esteem. Yu-Ai Kai believes in “living keiro” (respect for elders), which means we must model it too. Through our intergenerational programs, we hope to instill the value of “keiro” in the next generation.

Our goal is to provide opportunities that bring seniors and others together for intergenerational and intercultural sharing.